Areas of work
Public Health
- Establishment of "Taal" pharmacy run by people living with HIV for affordable access to treatment - First of its kind in the world- rated as "Best Practice Model" by UNDP (Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu & Gujarat)
- Design and establishment of online and mobile health information systems - 24 hours service.
- Partnership with community of truck drivers in preventing HIV (on routes of NH2 & NH9)
- Maternal Health Check-up camp - to combat child mortality and improving maternal health
Livelihood enhancement projects
- Income generation project for underprivileged women (West Bengal)
- Capacity Building in Hospitality for underprivileged women and Children (Gujarat, Tamil Nadu)
- Computer Literacy programme (Andhra Pradesh)
- Women empowerment camps enhancing techniques for value addition of farm produce
- Skill building projects of various activities for trafficked women- from catering to computers and from clothes production to jewelry setting.
- Capacity building for small scale entrepreneurs- Kirana workshops
Environment and Agriculture
- Water use/ harvesting, supply chain, product life-cycle
- Agricultural empowerment for farmers and income generation initiatives for SHGs (Haryana, UP)
- Provided sustainable models of green house nursery's for farmers (UP)
- Farmers were provided in house residential training on advanced farm practices from reputed Govt. agencies
- Training of rural women farmers to build storage bins for effective grain storage
Education and Children
- Workshops conducted in MCD & Govt. Schools highlighting Health & Hygiene knowledge (Delhi & Rajathan)
- Donation drives of stationery and related material to the concerned schools.
- Dental Check up workshops (Delhi)
- Excursion activities imparting knowledge and importance of agriculture and the farm products.
- Conducting Inter-School quizzes and competition.
Crisis/Disaster management
- Ensuring health & hygiene among women during the Bihar floods (2008)- mobilization & distribution of sanitary napkins to the women survivors.
- Resource mobilization & distribution of Chlorine tablets and Rice to the flood effected survivors.
