People for Action
Our Work: Workshops
Empowering Workshops

Empowerment is considered a “new” management style to help foster new career goals. It helps framework an employee’s expectations and sets goals to accomplish our main purpose of their work. It always enables an employee to take control of their job and use skills they never knew they could use.

During the Covid time, People For Action managed to do zoom workshop on 20th Oct 2020, whereby we reach out to almost 100 female workers at Sabs Exports. A holistic approach to understand and adopt good practices by each and every individual is inevitable to create an organization with highly efficient staff. It becomes the imperative responsibility of the opportunity provider to expose the staff members to “Healthy Behavioral Patterns” and it also becomes the counter responsibility of the beneficiaries to absorb the same.

Mental Wellness Workshops

People For Action has started its flagship mentoring program on Mental Wellness for local Communities and youth in partnership with AIIMS Department of Psychiatry. Today we undertook zoom online workshop on “The Inevitable Exams and Mental Wellness” reaching out to more than 7500 students over 6 Govt. Schools.

According to a recent study published by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, one in every five teenagers in India turns into a victim of toxicity or mental illness.

Anxiety is the most common psychological disorder amongst school students and teenagers.

Other factors affecting student mental health are parental pressure, fear of failure and irregular sleep.

In the absence of a supportive infrastructure, children often internalise the stress from school and home, which then develops into behavioural disorders. We need to build emotional intelligence in students that helps them recognise their strengths and weaknesses, teaches them to motivate themselves and understand themselves and those around them better.

Mental health issues among the younger population can no longer be ignored. Taking up the battle to destigmatise it will take patience, resilience and open-mindedness, especially on the part of educators and parents.

Men Workshops

People For Action implementing workshops on imparting different angles to combat sexual harassment towards women at workplace.

It is naive to think philanthropist can change the world. Their function is not to bring about change themselves, but to pilot new ideas and methods for others to scale.

If you want to fix gender inequality in the workplace, you have to fight the problem at its roots. You need to implement company-wide policies that promote equity, you need to train executives and employees across all levels on biases and you need to engage the “privileged” group – men – in discussions on why gender balance is important.

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